Booking queries
How to change your booking, add services and other info. Also includes latest update if you are affected by recent COVID-19 travel restrictions
Learn about your baggage allowances, baggage fees, and how to make a claim for lost, delayed or damaged bags
Flight-related queries
Was your flight delayed, cancelled, etc. ? Did you book a seat that wasn’t available?
Special Assistance
Learn how to add a wheelchair to your booking, travelling while pregnant, and other special requirements
Website or App queries
Trying to check-in online? Facing payment issues? Learn how to deal with the most common questions or report an issue
We welcome any feedback you might have about our products, services or travel experience
International Flights
For all international passengers travelling to / from Saudi Arabia, in addition to the latest updates on travel restrictions related to COVID-19
Adeal Membership and flyadeal services
You have any inquiries about Adeal Membership or any questions regarding the additional services such as Hold Fare service