The comfort and health of all Customers is a priority for us, so we follow internationally accepted rules for the acceptance of Customers with contagious or transmittable diseases.
Customers suffering from any of the below must travel with a medical certificate, signed by a doctor, not a nurse, confirming they are not infectious and that the time restrictions as detailed below have been met
- Chickenpox At least five (5) days after the first spots appear
- German Measles (Rubella) At least five (5) days after the onset of the rash
- Measles At least four (4) days after the onset of the rash
- Mumps At least nine (9) days post swelling
- Scarlet Fever At least one (1) day after appropriate treatment
- Whooping Cough For three (3) weeks after the onset of the Whoop. However, the Customer may travel after five (5) days from the commencement of the appropriate treatment
- Tuberculosis Customers with Tuberculosis will not be accepted for travel until their medical practitioner can certify they are not infectious
Other Medical Conditions
A medical certificate will be required for all communicable diseases, infections or conditions which may be aggravated by travel, recent surgery or where you are unable to take responsibility for your condition and/or require additional assistance
Customers with the below mentioned conditions must provide a medical certificate before we will accept you for travel, please note this list is not exhaustive and we recommend you discuss your fitness to fly with your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your condition.
- Asthma - Deterioration within 48 hours of travel
- Head Injury - Within 2 weeks of travel or where there is air in the cranium
- Heart Attack - Within 21 days of travel
- Chest Surgery - Within 10 days of travel
- Ear or Sinus Pathology - Within 48 hours of travel
- Stroke - Within 10 days of travel
- Phobias – Inability to cope with, or extreme fear of flying
- Anaemia Hb < 7.5 d L/L
- Decompression Sickness - Requires clearance from a specialist in hyperbaric medicine
- Penetrating Eye Injury - While there is air in the eye or a vitreous leak
- Pneumothorax - Within 14 days of resolution
- Plaster Casts - See above. Must be split if the injury is less than 48 hours old
- Fractured jaw which has been wired - Customer must carry wire cutters onboard and must travel with a Carer capable of cutting the wires if necessary. Suitable documentation is required due to security issues regarding travelling with wire cutters)
Please note the above lists are not exhaustive and we recommend that all Customers undergoing any medical treatment contact their doctor to verify they are ‘fit to fly’ before confirming their booking. This is for your safety as our crew may not have the specialised knowledge or equipment to assist you onboard.